Information geometry
Practical applications of optimal transport
Optimal transport, also known as Monge-Kantorovich transport or Wasserstein distance, is a mathematical framework that deals with the optimal way to transport mass from one configuration to another, minimizing the cost of the transportation. This field has gained significant attention across various disciplines due to its theoretical richness and a wide range of practical applications.
Flink SQL
Flink SQL is a component of Apache Flink that enables users to perform SQL queries on streaming and batch data. It provides a familiar SQL interface for processing data streams and tables, making it easier for developers and data engineers to work with real-time and historical data in Flink applications.
Diffusion net notes
Article argues with and elucidating diffusion net from perspective of gradual correction and bring insights from physics. Article suggests alternative explanation via concept of continious storage naturally comming out of boltzman distribution. Proposal is built with providing intuition of underlying physical process .Elaborationj idea it bring different statistics as fermi and boson as
Article covers Airflow architecture for beginner enterprise ml team